Joint custody is here – the children say thank you!

Joint custody is here – the children say thank you!

Today, July 1, 2014, joint parental responsibility has become the norm. As one of the last countries in Europe, Switzerland now also has an up-to-date law. Here is our media communiqué on this occasion:

Oliver Hunziker, President of the umbrella organization for shared parenthood GeCoBi, speaks of a big day for the children. “Fathers are finally no longer excluded from parental responsibility in Switzerland after a separation. This law is a signal to all affected parents to look for viable childcare solutions together after a separation. But it is also a signal to the authorities to support and promote this basic attitude and, where necessary, to accompany it.”

The paradigm shift associated with the introduction of the new law reflects society's changed ideas regarding the distribution of roles in the family and creates the legal basis for modern care models.

It is now up to the competent authorities and courts to give the change the necessary attention and support. Parents who are separated or divorced must be supported and, if necessary, guided by the authorities.

GeCoBi and its member organizations will continue to advise and accompany parents, but will also support the authorities in the implementation.

However, the organization is concerned about the development of the revision of maintenance law. Oliver Hunziker: "It is worrying that with the current revision, the progress made in joint custody is practically being reversed. The planned maintenance law contains no incentives whatsoever for fathers to be more involved in childcare and to make it easier for mothers to return to work. Rather, it promotes the traditional division of roles and puts fathers at a particular disadvantage.”

GeCoBi will continue to advocate modern family policy and up-to-date family law.

About the author

Oliver Hunziker administrator
