Federal court overturns 10/16!

Federal court overturns 10/16!

In a decision published today, the Federal Supreme Court says goodbye to the old 10/16 rule.

In decision 5A_384/2018, the Federal Supreme Court defines a new regulation.
Previously, a caring parent could only be expected to work from the age of 10 (youngest child), but this can now happen as soon as the youngest child starts school. According to the federal court, the parent can be expected to work 50% of the time at this point. From the time the youngest child enters high school, 80% employment and from the age of 16 (youngest child) 100% employment can be expected.

This is an innovation that has been awaited for a long time and has been repeatedly requested by our associations, which finally takes into account the spirit of the new maintenance law that has been in force since January 1, 2017.

Legislation, and in particular case law, is thus being adapted to actual practice.

Link to the Federal Supreme Court decision

About the author

Oliver Hunziker administrator
