
GeCoBi is an umbrella organization of various parent organizations from all over Switzerland.

From 2005, various men's, fathers' and parents' organizations met for a regular exchange in Olten. Two years later, in the summer of 2007, some representatives of these organizations presented the Federal Office of Justice with their own legislative proposal on shared parental responsibility as food for thought. This was received with great interest.

In the spring of 2008, after months of preparatory work, the Swiss Association for Shared Parenthood GeCoBi was founded in Bern.
On May 17, 2008, a big inauguration ceremony took place on the Bundesplatz.

2008 Founding of GeCoBi
2011 Organization of the national protest campaign SchickEnStei against the planned delay in introducing joint parental care.
2011 Participation in the EJPD round table on “joint parental care” chaired by Federal Councilor Simonetta Sommaruga.
2012 Hearings on child custody in the Legal Commission of the National Council
2013 Hearings on maintenance law in the Legal Commission of the National Council
2014 Introduction of joint custody on July 1, 2014
2017 Introduction of the new child maintenance
law 2018 10 years of GeCoBi
