Joint parenthood also in tax law!

Joint parenthood also in tax law!

As part of the consultation on tax relief for families with children, which ended on April 15, 2009, GeCoBi also took a stand.
The structure of the tax burden on parents and families is an important lever in family policy. Tax incentives not only affect the finances of those affected, but are also an expression of social appreciation of certain behaviors. That is why GeCoBi also demands the implementation of joint parenthood for unmarried parents in the area of ​​tax law. For GeCoBi there is a natural priority for both parents in the care and upbringing of their children. We therefore reject government incentives for one-sided funding of third-party care. Instead, the state should do much more to offer parents the freedom to choose between their own care and that of someone else. With regard to the revision of tax law, we therefore propose the introduction of a tax credit for children that will be felt in the long term, combined with the tax deductibility of the child's subsistence level. This would also benefit parents with medium, low or no income. Unmarried parents with joint custody should be able to benefit from the tax breaks for children depending on their share of the care.

The full consultation response can be found here .

About the author

Oliver Hunziker administrator
