10 years of GeCoBi – 2008 – 2018

In the past 20 years, the lived realities of many families have changed drastically.
New partnership models, higher divorce rates, increased professional mobility and the increasingly better education of women have put the classic family to the test. The traditional breadwinner model has had its day, it hardly corresponds to reality anymore. Despite this, the model is regularly revived after a breakup/divorce and makes a sad return, often on the backs of the children.

The umbrella organization for joint parenthood GeCoBi was formed in 2008 to take social change into account and to promote joint parental responsibility even after separation/divorce and to initiate social and legal changes. With the introduction of joint parental care as the norm in 2014 and alternating custody as a legal option, many prerequisites have been met. There is still a lack of social implementation by authorities, courts and the population.

We stay tuned!

Media release and video stream of the media conference on May 17, 2018

GeCoBi brochure "Alternating care"
